Re-issue a Register

When a register week has been marked and submitted you can re-issue the register back to the tutor. This is a useful way of correcting inconsistencies by allowing the tutor that marked the register to re-mark it.

The option to re-issue a register week is only available if:

To re-issue a register:

  1. Open the register event you want to re-issue. See Open an Existing Event for further information.
  2. Click the Event tab.

    Event tab

    The Event Details screen will be displayed.

    Event Details screen

  3. Right-click on the week slot of the register week you want to re-issue and select Re-issue eRegister.

    Re-issue eRegister option

    Note: You can select multiple week slots to re-issue by holding down Ctrl whilst individually selecting week slots, or by holding down Shift whilst selecting the first and last week slot.

    The Re-issue Registers screen will be displayed and will list each week slot being re-issued.

  4. Enter a reason for the re-issue in the Re-issue Reason section.

    Re-issue Reason section

  5. Click the OK button to re-issue the register.

    Note: The week slot will now be highlighted in blue.

    Blue week slot

  6. Click the Save button to save the changes.

    Save button

    Note: When the re-issue has been saved the SLOT_STATUS in the REGISTER-EVENT_SLOTS tabled will be updated to R for the re-issued week.

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